About Us

Hello YOU!
Myogalife was created for you, from us. We are a little company with GIANT passion, infused in the joy, peace and authenticity that yoga can bring to everyone. We believe in getting behind anything that betters this world from the inside out, and we hope you enjoy our contribution to the world of yogis with our beautifully made, top quality towels.  We see this beautiful world in colour and this is what enriches the human soul. We wanted to bring that vibrancy to your practice of yoga through colour and design. We hope that your towel puts a smile on your face every time you see it and that it will bring the warm feelings of peace in your heart that only yoga can seem to bring! What we wish for you as you practice your personal journey as a yogi, is what we which for all mankind; for more peace, love, balance and vibrancy! Lots of vibrancy & colour!  We sincerely hope that you love your bright, bold & beautiful joy-giving yoga towel!


Matt, Kari, Noelle & Theo.